
Announcing the Beta Release of Webflow CMS Bulk Editor

Today we release our first application, the Webflow CMS Bulk Editor. Import, update, sync your CMS collections with just a CSV file.

If you've been using Webflow for a while now you've probably encountered a scenario where you need to update multiple items in your collection at the same time.

You could use the Import functionality within Webflow Designer, but this doesn't import your references, keeps any of your files, or maintain your well-curated sets of images. We understand it's been a pain for plenty of Webflow users and there's even a 2-year old wishlist idea that is still commented and voted by hundreds of people until today.

With the beta release of our Webflow Bulk Editor, individuals and organisations can now import item into their collection with a CSV file and maintain all the fields they need. Below are some use cases we've found where the use of our Webflow Bulk Editor would be helpful:

  • You have asset management via external applications e.g. Google Sheets, MS Excel, Airtable, Notion or Honeycode;
  • You want to edit, duplicate, or remove some items from your collection;
  • You want to create a new copy of your items to a new collection.

Beta Release Features

The priority for the beta release was providing great value to the end-user from the get-go.

Webflow OAuth

You can link our application to your Webflow account. Choose specific sites to allow and restrict access. You can revoke access to our application at any time from the Integrations Tab in your Account Settings.

All Field Types Available for Import

The Webflow Bulk CMS Editor caters to all field types: Plain Text, Rich Text, Image, Multi-image, Video Link, Link, Email, Phone, Number, Date/Time, Switch, Color, Option, File, Reference, Multi-reference. Formatting the CSV file is even made simpler by catering to Webflow Designer's Export CSV format. Check out our guide on formatting the CSV and content at the bottom of this post.

Wide Options for Import

Unlike the Import functionality in the Webflow Designer, the Webflow Bulk Editor can not only import items, but also update items and delete items if you want to sync your whole collection to your CSV file. Our application offer three options that you can enable based on your sync requirements:

- Overwrite Items: Enable this if you want to update items that are both in your collection and CSV file.
- Delete Missing: Enable this if you want to make sure that only items in your CSV will remain in your collection.
- Skip Duplicates: Enable this if you only want to add items that don't exist yet on your collection.

Note: Skip Duplicates and Overwrite Items cannot be enabled at the same time.

How to Format your File

We've made it easy for all users to format their CSV files by catering to the Webflow Designer's Export format. The items below will be your guide for

1. Make sure that your Headers are in Line 1 and they match the Label of your field.

2. Fields like File and Image accept links to these assets from your CDN or storage provider.

3. The Date/Time field accepts long verbose formats* (e.g. "Thu Oct 01 2020 10:00:00 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)"") or dates that follows ISO 8601 format (format).
Honestly, if there's no possible confusion to the date format (e.g. 2019/12/13 in YYYY/MM/dd) or even milli-second timestamps (1560211200000), our powerful parser could likely handle it.

4. References and Multi-References fields use the "Slug"* field to find the item in your other collection.

5. All multiple value fields like Multi-image or Multi-references can accept multiple links and slugs that are delimited by semi-colon.*

6. Switch field allows accepts True or False values (Not Yes or No, unfortunately)*

* This is the default format from the Webflow Designer's Export functionality.

- If you're adding new items into the collection but you didn't add a Name or Slug field (Webflow's requirements), we will generate a random unique ID for you. You can then sort out these items from your collection as they always start with an underscore (e.g. _66f28772-0d2c-4d2d-a2d9-02fb243ff1a7).

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