You need Segment implementation, but what you really want is growth.

Unlock unparalleled growth with our Segment expertise and upskill your team in the process
Let’s talk

Deep expertise.

Trust our extensive experience with clients in B2B and B2C.
Successfully implemented Segment at over 15 clients.

High velocity.

We fast-track your Segment implementation so you can focus on your core business.
Segment ready to go live within 4-6 weeks.

Flexible approach.

We offer a range of options to fit your budget and internal resources.
From guided DYI to fully-managed implementation, and anything in between.

Client empowerment.

We equip your team with the skills and knowledge to manage your Segment effectively.
From guided DYI to fully-manage implementation

Best practice delivery.

Rely on our industry-leading knowledge for the most up-to-date Segment implementation.
Recognised as a certified partner by Segment.

In-Depth understanding.

We pride ourselves on deeply understanding your business and delivering a tailored solution.
Strategy, growth and engineering expertise all under one roof.

Setting up Segment can be tricky

Doing Segment right comes with many "gotchas". We've seen them all and will help you avoid them.
01 of 07 Examples
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
What events do I need to track to collect meaningful data and power automations?
Don’t track every single click into your Segment.
Do: focus on tracking semantic events along the customer journey and main product features. Use other tools with session recording or auto-tracking for one-off analyses and qualitative reviews instead.
With ikaros, you’ll get expert guidance on which events to track and which software to use, along with a detailed tracking plan, so you don’t pay too much and keep complexity down.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
How do I know if I should track client- or server-side?
Don’t install both server- and client-side code for each event.
Do: distinguish events by importance and purpose. Track events needed for remarketing and easier downstream implementation client-side and events powering automations or more robust analytics server-side.
With ikaros, you’ll get detailed object mapping and a tracking plan that specifies the best way to track. This prevents bogging down your engineering team with redundant code to implement, speeds up the process, and makes sure you don’t face unexpected behaviours.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
What is the best approach to deal with customer data privacy?
Don’t assume all data is okay to store or process without customer consent.
Do: ensure all data collection and processing is compliant with the relevant data protection laws (such as GDPR or CCPA). Allow customers to opt-out of tracking when necessary and provide clear communication on how their data will be used.
With ikaros, you’ll get help connecting your compliance solution to your tracking and implementing your data collection constraints in code.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
How do I manage data flow and integration across different tools?
Don’t connect each tool directly and independently, leading to data silos.
Do: centralize your data in your Segment and distribute it from there to all other tools, ensuring consistent data across platforms. Have a clear strategy for what data needs to go where, when, and why.
With ikaros, you'll get a detailed data flow strategy and assistance with setup, preventing data inconsistencies and ensuring a more seamless data operation.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
How to keep data clean and reliable over time?
Don’t leave data quality checks and maintenance as an afterthought.
Do: implement a robust QA process to ensure alignment of plan and reality. Regularly audit your data, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the data over time. Establish standards for data input and validate data before it enters your system.
With ikaros, you'll receive guidance on setting up regular data audits, cleaning methods, and defining data quality standards, keeping your data accurate and actionable for decision-making.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
How should I deal with data redundancies and conflicts?
Don’t ignore potential conflicts and redundancies in your data.
Do: create a solid data management strategy that includes de-duplication processes and conflict resolution mechanisms. When the same data is coming from multiple sources, establish a source of truth.
With ikaros, you'll get assistance in building an efficient data management strategy, eliminating redundancies and solving data conflicts, keeping your data streamlined and meaningful.
Mark Johnson • Delta Ventures
How to deal with data structure changes over time?
Don’t assume your data structure will remain the same indefinitely.
Do: plan for changes in your data structure due to evolving business needs or industry standards. Build flexibility into your Segment setup to accommodate these changes without major disruptions.
With ikaros, you'll receive strategic advice on preparing for and managing data structure changes, minimising disruption and maximising scalability as your business grows.

The choice is yours

There are several ways to implement Segment. With ikaros, you get the best of all worlds.

Do it yourself

  • Complete control
  • Low/no cash expense
  • Limited expertise (typically)
  • Long lead time
  • Reinvent the wheel

Integration provider

  • Templated implementation
  • Cash expense
  • Technical expertise
  • Reasonable speed
  • Limited knowledge transfer

With ikaros

  • Tailored, adaptable solutions
  • Invest for long-term value
  • Growth & technical expertise
  • High velocity implementation
  • Coaching & documentation

A package to suit your needs

Full flexibility for your Segment implementation, depending on your budget and timeline.

Guided DYI Package

From US$15,000 fixed fee
Best if you are on a budget and have analytics and engineering capacity available
  • Strategic and tactical advice on how to implement Segment, customised to your business goals
  • Detailed instructions for your teams for each implementation step
  • Review and feedback for each critical milestone
  • Weekly calls to keep the implementation on track
  • Best practice templates (e.g. tracking plan, object journey mapping)

Managed Implementation Package

From US$40,000 fixed fee
Best if you need fast results without impacting your internal team
  • Everything from Guided DYI package, plus:
  • Project management
  • Segment setup (sources, destinations, settings)
  • Development of detailed tracking plan
  • Creation of tickets in your preferred agile project management software
  •  QA process

Growth Accelerator Package

From US$60,000 fixed fee
Best if you need an overhaul of your entire growth stack, with Segment as the centre-piece
  • Everything from Managed Implementation Package, plus our Analytics Blueprint, consisting of
  • Review of your existing growth stack against best practice
  • Development of growth stack target state and data pipeline
  • Specific recommendations which tools to use, and how CDP is embedded in growth stack
  • Recommendations for how to use state-of-the art tools such as Reverse ETL
  • Can be combined with implementation of additional tools for an extra charge, e.g. Reverse ETL, Marketing Automation Software and Analytics platforms

Praise from happy clients

Ikaros has been a great help in driving growth for one of our portfolio businesses, thanks to their deep understanding of growth strategy, analytics & experimentation.

They have the ability to reliably deliver across all stages of projects, whether validating product-market-fit from the ground-up, or scaling growth and unlock new levers.
Daniel Jarosch
Managing Director
& Partner
The ikaros team have been instrumental in supporting Prezzee on our data and insights journey.

From strategic advice through to best-in-class implementation support of our analytics tools, ikaros has been a true extension of our team. Their strategic, data-driven marketing lens and a real focus on business growth truly sets them apart.
Nico Riahi
Chief Commercial Officer
From day 1 ikaros have filled us with confidence that we made the right choice with them. They couple deep growth expertise and strategic advice with the ability to get things off the ground and running super quickly.

Their collaborative attitude has also made them a pleasure to work with. Big thanks to Ikaros for helping us setup the experimentation culture that every start-up needs.
Kathleen Weaver
Ikaros has been the true description of a partner. Providing valuable advice at all times, educating our team where necessary and providing the level of engagement that truly feels like they are one of the family.

Joining us at the outset of a large acquisition, the ikaros team worked on setting up the infrastructure, monitoring and reporting and providing the recommendations that will keep giving us the digital competitive edge.
Stuart Miller
Group CEO
The team at ikaros have supported us in transforming a 20 year-old family business into a growth-machine, helping deliver close to 100% new customer growth.

They helped establish a data-driven growth culture, pulling together teams across functions and bridging the gaps between our technical and business challenges.
Markus Albert
Managing Director
Daniel and his team at ikaros are world-class digital and growth professionals.

They are experts in the space of SEO, PPC, analytics and customer lifecycle marketing and were able to align our marketing and engineering team’s direction with their deep understanding of both business and technical requirements.
Dean Jones
Founder & CEO
The ikaros team have been instrumental to CareerTeam's growth, defining and implementing a successful growth strategy for our business.

ikaros quickly delivered results across each stage of our customer journey and continues to do so as part of our ongoing collaboration. We couldn't be happier with them!
Dean Jones
Segment implementation

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information on how we setup Segment? Read up below!

How long does Segment implementation take?

We can help you implement Segment as quickly as 4-6 weeks if we project-manage the implementation. The ultimate velocity is dependent on the complexity of your data pipeline and the internal resources you can provide for the aspects you choose to do yourself.

What CDP do you recommend for my business?

Most of our current clients have chosen Segment, but the best CDP for your business may be different. If you don’t have a preference yet, we can help you make a choice based on your priorities and budget. We never take commission for any tools we recommend, so you can always trust our advice. 

I already have Segment, but it doesn’t work as we’d hoped. Can you fix it?

Certainly! We have worked with many clients who had already implemented Segment, but weren’t happy with the value they got out of it. In these cases we typically do a full assessment, and make specific recommendations on how to improve the setup. Sometimes, building a new instance from scratch makes more sense than fixing an existing one.

We are already using Google Tag Manager (GTM). Why should we introduce Segment?

Segment offers many advantages over GTM. These include the ability to build a unified customer profile, the possibility to easily switch out sources and destinations (making your growth stack more scalable and adaptable to best practices) and real-time data processing, to name a few. Segment is the center-piece of a modern growth stack.

We are already using a Reverse ETL solution. Is Segment still necessary?

Reverse ETL is extremely helpful for keeping attribute-based customer data (such as contact details) in sync across all your systems. Segment, on the other hand, is ideal for event-based tracking (such as conversion events or actions being taken in your app), and then piping this information into multiple destinations to take actions based on this (show a certain ad, trigger an email, etc.). So they both have their place and fulfil different purposes.

How do you ensure knowledge transfer to our internal team?

As part of our implementation, we always provide comprehensive documentation and coaching for your teams. And, depending on the implementation package you choose, we will be working very closely with your internal team and pass on our knowledge in real time as we build your Segment implementation.

What is the level of collaboration between our team and ikaros during the implementation process?

We offer different implementation packages, depending on your objective. If you don’t have a lot of resources, we can manage and deliver almost the entire implementation ourselves, leaving your team to focus on other business-critical tasks. 

Alternatively, we can work very closely with your team to ensure knowledge transfer begins during the implementation and your team gets first-hand experience.

Will you need access to our code-base to implement server-side code?

No. We never work in your code-base - this is to protect both your business and ours. But we will provide very specific instructions (usually in the form of tickets) to your engineering team or contractor to implement any necessary changes to your code-base.

How do you ensure data security and privacy during the implementation?

As part of our Segment implementation work, we will need to obtain access to your internal systems and data. We take best-practice steps to ensure that these are not compromised, including limiting access on a need-to-know-basis, enforcing 2FA and using industry-standard credentials storage processes. In addition, we can implement additional measures such as IP whitelisting as required by you.

Will you connect sources and destinations to the Segment?

Yes, this is a service we offer as part of our Managed Implementation and Growth Accelerator Packages.